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Indicator Function
To indicate a change of direction to other road users, a motor vehicle has a warning system with direction indcator lights on both sides. In most models these are built into the headlamps on the front of the car and is integrated into the taillights on the rear. In addition to the indicators on the front and rear of the car, some car models have additional indicators, such as in the exterior mirrors. A single indicator consists of a light bulb with a reflector and a lamp cover. Yellow indicators are mandatory, although vintage models and American imports have red. The bulbs used for turn signals are usually 21 watts. LED indicators may be used in newer models rather than traditional bulbs.The lamp glass of the indicator is white in many car models and the bulb is yellow. A flash unit will switch the indicators on so that it will flash on and off at intervals. Inside the vehicle, the function of the indicator to the driver is conveyed via an indicator light. Renowned manufacturers of indicators are Hella, Bosch and Valeo.
When do the indicators need to be changed?
The actual indicators are designed to last as long as the car. Usually their maintenance is limited to the occaisonal light bulb change. A defective turn signal bulb is easily noticed by the rapid flashing of the indicator light and the rapid clicking sound of the flasher relay. Occasionally leaks or damage to the lamp cover can also cause indicator defects.
Changing the indicator lamp glass or the entire indicator
The indicators, often externally mounted on the edges of the vehicle, are particularly susceptible to damage, for example in the event of a collision. Since the indicators are often built into a single unit with the headlamps or tail lights, the entire lamp glass or the complete component will have to be changed often. If you want to make such repairs yourself, you should find an accurate guide for the respective vehicle model on the Internet or in its manual. All the necessary spare parts for the indicators of your car can be ordered with us online at a low price, as well as many other high quality spare parts for many car brands.