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DENSO Parts catalog

DENSO auto parts store

The Japanese Denso corporation specializes in production of automobile components and enters TOP 3 of the world market of progressive automobile technologies. The regional offices network covers more than 30 countries worldwide, its turnover makes about 40 billion dollars. More than 126 thousand workers are employed at the Denso plants, offices and service centers located in 32 countries.

Denso history in brief

The corporation began its activity in 1949 under the name of Nippon Denso. In almost half a century, in 1996, it was renamed, and received the present name – Denso Corporation. The headquarters of the company is situated in the Japanese city of Kariya.

From the first days of foundation, heads of the company placed the main stake on quality of the products, without forgetting to pay at the same time attention to the implementation of innovative activity in such areas as research and design developments. Today the high quality standards of Denso production are confirmed by ISO 9001 and QS 9000 international certificates.

Because of it, the corporation managed to take the leading positions in the world auto spare parts markets in short time. The United Kingdom, where the high-quality Denso spark plugs are in high demand, is among the European consumers of products of the company.

Denso spare parts of high demand

Products of this brand which are delivered at auto factories and on the markets of spare parts also, differs in a big variety. The positions listed below are in special demand:

- the Denso spark plugs including standard, Platinum, Iridium and Twin Tip. For example, the Denso IK20 spark plugs with an iridium electrode promote considerable fuel economy, increased engine power and disappearance of problems at its start;
- Denso alternators and starters;
- Denso wiper blades provide the excellent visibility, irrespective of any weather conditions;
- Denso lambda sensors optimize engine operation and contribute to decreasing the level of exhaust gases toxicity.

EUspares.co.uk online store: fast selection of Denso spark plugs and other spare parts

In our online store it is possible to choose Denso spare parts which are required for your car at reasonable prices. For this purpose, it is sufficient to find them, having used search in the catalog. Then it is necessary to place the order (it is possible on the website directly), and your order will be delivered strictly in the appointed time. If you need help in the selection of spare parts or placing the order – our consultants will help you free of charge.

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